Lets Talk

2021 Let’s Talk (10 week)

Each phase of the new 10 week Let’s Talk programme consists of four sessions for caregivers, four for adolescents and one joint session where adolescents and caregivers attend the same session. This structure acknowledges that caregivers and adolescents have different needs but can work together to strengthen their relationship and protect adolescents from HIV.  

In phase 1, participants build emotional coping, communication and problem solving skills with a specific focus on resolving issues that arise in family life. In phase 2, adolescents and caregivers learn about HIV and STI transmission, testing and prevention and how to avoid unintended pregnancy, while caregivers build upon the previous sessions with exercises that emphasise communication and parenting practices that decrease adolescent sexual risk behaviour. 

The Let’s Talk curricula include all the information needed to facilitate the sessions, including: a session outline, sample scripts and talking points, discussion questions, facilitation guidelines for each activity, and resources. There are also separate workbooks for caregivers and adolescents to take home that feature handouts with key information from the sessions and space to write about their home practice assignments and track their progress with their goals. The updated 2021 phase 1 and phase 2 curricula and participant workbooks can be download by clicking each resource below.