Lets Talk

2017 Let’s Talk Training Resources

Training resources designed for the original 14 – week programme include: 

  • A trainer’s workbook featuring handouts, facilitator guidance, and training agendas 
  • And 12 training videos that provide a programme overview, basic sexual and reproductive health information, and facilitation guidance on a number of topics  

The training is designed for in-person delivery over 11 days:  
6 days to cover phase 1 and another 5 days to cover phase 2 (midway through implementation)

2017 Let’s Talk Training Videos

Module 1: Let's Talk Overview

Module 2: Group Dynamics

Module 3: Group Facilitation

Module 4: Cognitive
Behavioural Theory

Module 5: Changing Unhealthy Thinking Patterns

Module 6: Assertive Communication

Module 7: Programme Attendance and Quality Control

Module 8: Adolescence in Perspective

Module 9: Understanding Adolescent Risk Behaviours

Module 10: Let's Talk about Sex

Module 11: Basic Facts about
HIV and other STI's

Module 12: Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention